Do you truly know your audience

Or does it feel like sometimes you’re just shooting in the dark?

Partner with Iron Light to break down the barriers to human potential with public policy advocacy for the 21st century. 

Empathy drives our approach in delivering:

  • Data Intelligence
  • Market Research 
  • Persona Insights


  • Find out what your target audiences believe
  • Find out why they believe what they believe
  • Learn which type of messaging will move them to take action

Knowing these three things will allow you to truly empathize with your audience. And empathy fuels persuasion more effectively than anything else. 


  • Using the beliefs and behaviors of an audience, we build a predictive model 
  • This predictive model is built on the back of hundreds of years of statistics, computational innovation and domain expertise
  • We will append, enrich, and prepare the data for modeling
  • We will predict, within that modeling, which voters are for, against, or persuadable. 
  • Define the exact size and makeup of your target audience – including full names and mailing addresses
  • This model will allow you to reach, at scale, that single individual who matters

Together, the SentinelSeries and PersonaSeries make up Iron Light’s Intelligence & Insights Program. 

With it you’ll truly know your audience, you’ll be able to reach them at a 1:1 level, and you’ll no longer be shooting in the dark.

For more information: contact Richard Lorenc or schedule a meeting.